covid:aid September Quarterly Report

In line with our values as an open, collaborative charity, we share our monthly reviews and quarterly reports with trustees, volunteers and the public. This means we can show our progress and hear your feedback on how to better support those affected by Covid-19.

We have grown significantly as a charity this quarter thanks to your help! We won a National Lottery grant and carried out a series of workshops to build a digital Long Covid toolkit. This will now inform other charities, healthcare providers, and organisations on how to help people suffering from the long-term effects of Covid-19. 

We also joined the Working Group for the NHS-funded diagnostic tool being developed by the British Lung Foundation/Asthma UK, and the Steering Group for the NIHR-funded LISTEN Project which aims to design a support package for those with Long Covid. We look forward to developing our UK partnerships further in the months ahead!

All of this comes in addition to our growth as a community and the wide range of information we provide, led by your input. Please donate to covid:aid to ensure our continued support is available for those affected by Covid-19.

Click here to read the September Quarterly report in full.

Covid Aid is reliant on YOUR donations to provide support to those hit by Long Covid, grief and bereavement, and other Covid-related issues