covid:aid November Monthly Review

In line with our values as an open, collaborative charity, we share our monthly reviews and quarterly reports with trustees, volunteers and the public. This means we can show our progress and hear your feedback on how to better support those affected by Covid-19.

covid:aid was set up in recognition of the need for long-term support around Covid-19 – and with the knowledge that variants like Omicron could quickly change the situation as we know it.

With this in mind, it has been a hugely important month for us. We began providing professional bereavement counselling through GriefChat, launched our #CovidLoss wall to reflect on all losses linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, and continued to expand our Community platform and the services we provide on it.

November also saw us partnering with film distribution company, Dogwoof, on the UK release of The First Wave. This documentary, directed by Oscar-nominated and Emmy award-winning Matthew Heineman, follows emergency medical workers in New York City as they try to navigate the traumatic first four months of the coronavirus outbreak. We were honoured to collaborate with Dogwoof on this "must-see" film, including a live screening and Q&A.

We are in a strong position as we reach the end of the year to provide continued support throughout the festive period to those who need it most. The situation with omicron is constantly evolving and creating uncertainty for many across the UK. However, thanks to your support and the commitment of our panel, team members and volunteers, we can offer trusted help and advice this Christmas.

Click here to view the November monthly report in full-screen.

Covid Aid is reliant on YOUR donations to provide support to those hit by Long Covid, grief and bereavement, and other Covid-related issues