Covid Loss
My husband Justin died on the 11th April 2020
Gillian Keeper, Bellshill Scotland, 11th April 2020
I cannot express in words the overwhelming pain I and my 2 daughters feel at the loss of an amazing husband & father. Justin was a larger than life character with a zest for life full of fun and laughter, life will never be the same without him. We are truly heart broken.
He died on the 11th April 2020 after a 2-week battle with Covid. He was a healthy 47 year old with no preexisting health problems getting our heads around that has been extremely challenging. We were unable to be with him in the hospital due to restrictions, and continually play in our minds what we would have said if we had known he was not coming home to us. Grief has no time frame and washes over you in waves, we continue to take things a day at a time.